WWW Moth Photographers Group website only

Digital Guide to Moth Identification

Nelson Poirier's Moths of New Brunswick  

All photographs © 2007 by Nelson Poirier

3661 - Ugly-nest Caterpillar Moth
Archips cerasivorana
3661 - Ugly-nest Caterpillar Moth
Archips cerasivorana
3661 - Ugly-nest Caterpillar Moth
Archips cerasivorana
4937 - Nascia Moth
Nascia acutella
4958a - White-spotted Sable Moth
Anania funebris glomeralis
6429 - Ornate Orthofidonia Moth
Orthofidonia exornata
6570 - Four-barred Gray Moth
Aethalura intertexta
6817 - Northern Selenia Moth
Selenia alciphearia
6817 - Northern Selenia Moth
Selenia alciphearia
6867 - Brown Pine Looper Moth
Caripeta angustiorata
7047 - Red-fronted Emerald Moth
Nemoria rubrifrontaria
7236 - Renounced Hydriomena Moth
Hydriomena renunciata
7291 - Scallop Shell Moth
Rheumaptera undulata
7811 - Clemens' Sphinx Moth
Sphinx luscitiosa
7811 - Clemens' Sphinx Moth
Sphinx luscitiosa
7941 - Modest Furcula Moth
Furcula modesta
8136 - Dubious Tiger Moth
Spilosoma dubia
8136 - Dubious Tiger Moth
Spilosoma dubia
8294 - Variable Tussock Moth
Dasychira vagans
  Noctuidae -- Plusiinae
8899 - Straight-lined Looper Moth
Pseudeva purpurigera
8912 - Wavy Chestnut Y Moth
Autographa mappa
8912 - Wavy Chestnut Y Moth
Autographa mappa
8925 - St. Lawrence Looper Moth
Syngrapha altera
8925 - St. Lawrence Looper Moth
Syngrapha altera
8925 - St. Lawrence Looper Moth
Syngrapha altera
8927 - Inscribed Looper Moth
Syngrapha epigaea
8927 - Inscribed Looper Moth
Syngrapha epigaea
8929 - Spruce False Looper Moth
Syngrapha viridisigma
8941 - Cryptic Looper Moth
Syngrapha cryptica
8941 - Cryptic Looper Moth
Syngrapha cryptica
8941 - Cryptic Looper Moth
Syngrapha cryptica
8950 - Lempke's Gold Spot Moth
Plusia putnami
8950 - Lempke's Gold Spot Moth
Plusia putnami
8950 - Lempke's Gold Spot Moth
Plusia putnami
  Noctuidae -- Pantheinae
9177 - Black Zig-zag Moth
Panthea acronyctoides
9177 - Black Zig-zag Moth
Panthea acronyctoides
9177 - Black Zig-zag Moth
Panthea acronyctoides
  Noctuidae -- Acronictinae
9261 - Impressed Dagger Moth
Acronicta impressa
  Noctuidae -- Amphipyrinae
9361 - Coastal Plain Apamea
Apamea mixta
9393 - Four-lined Borer Moth
Luperina stipata
9473 - Aster Borer Moth
Papaipema impecuniosa
9473 - Aster Borer Moth
Papaipema impecuniosa
9473 - Aster Borer Moth
Papaipema impecuniosa
9501 - Joe-pye-weed Borer Moth
Papaipema eupatorium
9509 - Meadow Rue Borer Moth
Papaipema unimoda
9509 - Meadow Rue Borer Moth
Papaipema unimoda
  Noctuidae -- Cuculliinae
9902 - Bailey's Pinion Moth
Lithophane baileyi
9917 - Hoary Pinion Moth
Lithophane fagina
9925 - Cedar Pinion Moth
Lithophane thujae
9967 - Willow Hillia Moth
Hillia iris
9989 - Sutyna Sallow Moth
Sutyna privata
9998 - Boreal Sallow Moth
Brachylomia algens
  Noctuidae -- Hadeninae
10276 - Cloudy Arches Moth
Polia imbrifera
10276 - Cloudy Arches Moth
Polia imbrifera
10295 - Black Arches Moth
Melanchra assimilis
10307 - Aster Cutworm Moth
Trichordestra lilacina
10368 - The Thinker Moth
Lacinipolia meditata
10368 - The Thinker Moth
Lacinipolia meditata
10449 - Unfamiliar Wainscot Moth
Leucania insueta
10449 - Unfamiliar Wainscot Moth
Leucania insueta
  Noctuidae -- Noctuinae
10919 - Smaller Pinkish Dart Moth
Diarsia jucunda
10919 - Smaller Pinkish Dart Moth
Diarsia jucunda
10951 - Spotless Dart Moth
Xestia tenuicula
10968.1 - Praevia Dart Moth
Xestia praevia
10996 - Willow Dart Moth
Cerastis salicarum
10999 - Spice Arches Moth
Aplectoides condita
11007 - Sigmoid Dart Moth
Eueretagrotis sigmoides
11009 - Attentive Dart Moth
Eueretagrotis attenta
11050 - Grote's Satyr Moth
Ufeus satyricus
11050 - Grote's Satyr Moth
Ufeus satyricus
11050 - Grote's Satyr Moth
Ufeus satyricus

Moth Photographers Group  at the  Mississippi Entomological Museum  at the  Mississippi State University

Send suggestions for corrections to Webmaster -- Moth Photographers Group


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